Stripper Wins Damages After Tiger Attack...
"She awarded Cowles over C$800,000 in damages, almost half of it to compensate for income she would have made as a stripper. Her musician boyfriend, David Balac, won C$1.7 million, because his injuries left him unable to work as an accordion player. "
Not sure what to think about the remake of the classic Evil Dead movie thats being discussed. It just doesn't seem right to do a remake of it, although I'd probably still go see it just because I liked the original movie and the sequels. We'll see.
Every hour, 10x10 scans the RSS feeds of several leading international news sources, and performs an elaborate process of weighted linguistic analysis on the text contained in their top news stories. After this process, conclusions are automatically drawn about the hour's most important words. The top 100 words are chosen, along with 100 corresponding images, culled from the source news stories. At the end of each day, month, and year, 10x10 looks back through its archives to conclude the top 100 words for the given time period. In this way, a constantly evolving record of our world is formed, based on prominent world events, without any human input.
Both google and yahoo have the option to search for video content. The link below goes to search results for a search on yahoo. I could spend hours going through these results....
Imagine if the Windows desktop interface were completely three dimensional and allowed you to turn, rotate, and add notation to web pages, video, etc. A new interface for using your PC by Sun. This is project Looking Glass.
Die Wagenschenke is a flash game where you try to walk as far as you can a drunk german bastard. Use your mouse to move from left to right. Guttentaag!
"FogScreen is a break-through technology, literally! FogScreen is a novel and intriguing method for forming a superior quality, physically penetrable dry fog display, a fog screen. The key features are that the screen is flat and thin, enabling high-quality projections, and walk-through is possible."
I have some files that have the .mpc extension. I wasn't sure what it would take to play these files in windows media player. Luckily, I found this site. No need for separate players for different file types. I can now use WMP10 for everything.
A hacker broke into a wireless carrier's network over at least seven months and read e-mails and personal computer files of hundreds of customers, including the Secret Service agent investigating the hacker, the government said Wednesday.
Steve Jobs announced the Mac Mini due to start selling on January 22. I do like the small form factor but it seems a little weak at only 1.2 GHz. Ideal as a second SOHO PC.
Google has indexed web cams running on AXIS software that are not secure. Kill a few minutes going through Search Results for "Live view - AXIS". You will need to download a small file to view the live web cams.
Ran across this dvd trailer tonight for the forthcoming Dead Can Dance dvd, Toward the Within.
"Dead Can Dance will be touring Europe and North America in 2005. Tickets are now on sale for the European dates, with the North American dates will take place in September 2005 being announced shortly. This will be the first time that Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry have performed on the same stage together since Dead Can Dance's last tour in 1996. " - 4AD
I noticed today that Vanilla Ice was a Music Mover on yahoo. Wondering why people are searching for him, I went to his web site to look for News. Nothing much there.
However, I did find his ring tones. And now I share them with you. And I apologize. Word to your mother.