Digg & the HD-DVD processing key
The website digg.com is a social news website. The stories are ranked higher whenever users digg the articles or lower if a user clicks the bury article link. This works most of the time. But what happens when the story promotes illegal activity?
Sometime on Tuesday someone posted the HD-DVD processing key that can be used to circumvent copy protection on HD-DVDs. The corporations behind HD-DVD had to have been angry over this. DIGG editors were not impressed either and quickly removed the article even though the users of Digg had recommended the story to the frontpage.
What was the user response? Take a look.

Update: A lot of the online tech sites have picked up on this story. There are currently 152 articles about this.
Sometime on Tuesday someone posted the HD-DVD processing key that can be used to circumvent copy protection on HD-DVDs. The corporations behind HD-DVD had to have been angry over this. DIGG editors were not impressed either and quickly removed the article even though the users of Digg had recommended the story to the frontpage.
What was the user response? Take a look.
Update: A lot of the online tech sites have picked up on this story. There are currently 152 articles about this.
Labels: digg
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